NCICU Golden LEAF Foundation Scholarship Program, 2013-14
North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities
Program Area:
Golden LEAF Scholarship Program
County of Applicant:
The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities for the final year of scholarship funding at member schools. Students receiving scholarship assistance will attend one of the 35 member NCICU institutions and meet all other program requirements including county eligibility (rural and Tier 1 or 2 or tobacco dependent), financial need and academic standards. A total of seventy scholarship awards at $3,000 each will be awarded with an allocation of two scholarships per institution. Any scholarships not able to be awarded either semester at each institution will revert to NCICU and will be made available to other member institutions with additional students who may qualify for the Golden LEAF Scholarship Program. All scholarship recipients agree to release their contact information for follow-up and evaluation by Golden LEAF.