NC Learning Technology Readiness Initiative: Applying, Refining, and Extending the Framework for Planning

North Carolina State University - Friday Institute
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:

This Golden LEAF grant will build on and extend the work of the Friday Institute’s NC Learning Technology Readiness Initiative (NCLTRI). Funds will allow the Friday Institute to support nine school districts in Tier 1 & 2 counties. In four counties, the project will continue offering support services and developing implementation strategies for districts previously supported through NCLTRI. In addition, the Friday Institute will begin the process with five additional districts considering 1:1 learning technology initiatives. The NCLTRI will assist schools to prepare college and career ready student and training to teachers in using technology as an instructional tool. Golden LEAF funds will be used for salaries, travel, materials, supplies, and workshop expenses.

Mr. John Chaffee1890 Main Campus DriveCampus Box 7249Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-7249(919) 515-2444
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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