North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority
Program Area:
Golden LEAF Scholarship Program
County of Applicant:
The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority to support the ninth year of funding of the Golden LEAF Scholars Program. The program provides scholarships of up to $12,000 ($3,000/year for up to four years) to college students from rural counties that are economically distressed or tobacco-dependent. Students may attend any participating public or private North Carolina college or university. The goal of the program is to equip students with knowledge that will benefit their communities upon graduation from college. The application process asks questions that are intended to evaluate the scholars’ connection to rural North Carolina with the hope that students with stronger ties to rural communities are more likely to return to those communities upon graduation. Questions assess the length of time students’ families have lived in their county, students’ after-school activities, and students’ expected career paths after graduation.