This grant provides funding to the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) to continue support for the Golden LEAF Scholars Leadership Program. The goal of the program is to develop leadership capacity of students from rural North Carolina and expose them to career opportunities in rural counties. This year, CCL will recruit 120 freshman scholars and expects to retain 103 sophomores, 65 juniors, and 50 seniors. All participants attend a two-day program in January during which they receive training in leadership and a variety of subjects, including challenges and opportunities in rural North Carolina communities. Freshmen and sophomores also receive individualized coaching for eight months of the year and juniors participate in online peer coaching. During the summer, students in their freshman, sophomore, and junior years secure and complete a paid internship in a rural, economically distressed community, typically in the student’s home county. The internship is paid for with Golden LEAF funds. In September, students attend a two-day conference at which they receive additional leadership training that builds on what they learned during their summer experiences. Nearly half of the grant funds are used to pay student stipends.