Farmville Road Water System Improvements Serving Washburn Switch Business Park
City of Shelby
Program Area:
Major Site Development Initiative
County of Applicant:
This grant provides funding to the City of Shelby to increase water system capacities around the 350-acre Washburn Switch Business Park, which is owned by Cleveland County and located on the west side of Shelby. This additional water infrastructure will allow the City to provide larger water volumes for manufacturing processes and fire protection at the industrial site and attract potential employers. Washburn Switch Business Park has been extensively examined by a number of major economic development projects and was a finalist location for several recent projects. As a result of the size of the property, access of rail service, a business friendly environment, and the ability of the City of Shelby and Duke Energy to provide substantial utility services, Washburn Switch Business Park is considered a prime location for major industrial projects considering North Carolina. Golden LEAF funds will be used for water infrastructure.