Establishment of a Long Term Research Site for Management Studies of the Guava Root-Knot Nematode in North Carolina Agriculture

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North Carolina State University



Program Area:

Open Grants Program

County of Applicant:





The Guava root-knot nematode (GRKN) is an invasive and aggressive soilborne pathogen that overcomes crop resistance genes. GRKN threatens 95,000 harvested acres valued at $342 million. Multifaceted research into the management of GRKN is needed to investigate solutions, yet fields with high GRKN populations that are spatially even and temporally consistent (necessary for reliable data) are difficult to locate on private farms. This project aims to establish a contained research farm site infested with GRKN at the Border Belt Tobacco Research Station in Columbus County. The site would allow for management studies and the ability to screen sweetpotato, soybean, tobacco, and vegetable cultivars under field conditions. To reduce the risk of accidental movement of GRKN to other locations, the farm site will be enclosed in fencing, have dedicated equipment and storage building, and a decontamination station. In year 2 of the project, CALS will provide institutional support of $67,450 and the Dept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology will provide $19,300.


Dr. Adrienne M. Gorny
2601 Wolf Village Way
Admin Services III, Suite 240
North Carolina 
(919) 515-0776