Enhancing the Healthcare Talent Pipeline in Cumberland County and the Sandhills Prosperity Zone
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Program Area:
Community-Based Grants Initiative
County of Applicant:
This grant provides funding to Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) to renovate and equip existing space to create a dedicated simulation suite for its healthcare programs. The project will enable FTCC to increase student retention to above 50% and increase program completion and NCLEX pass rates through increased simulation capabilities within its nursing programs. The additional labs will also allow the college to increase enrollment in its nursing program by at least 25 students to 225. FTCC states that the current average job posting-to-hire ratio is 5:1 for registered nurses in the Sandhills region, and this project will help increase the number of nurses available for those positions. Cape Fear Valley Health System partners with FTCC to grow the program by providing an annual allocation of funds to support one ADN faculty position. The hospital also provides scholarships for students who commit to work at one of their regional facilities for at least two years after graduation. Golden LEAF funds will be used for equipment and furnishings for the simulated clinical setting.