Development and Utilization of Forest and Farm Resources as Alternatives to Peat Moss and Perlite in Horticultural Crop Production
North Carolina State University
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:
The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to North Carolina State University to support funding for further development of a product that uses shredded pine trees and other materials in place of traditional potting mixes used by the green industry. Traditional potting mixes are under environmental and economic pressure, creating an opportunity for the substitution of locally produced mixes. The product being developed through this project has the potential to produce cheaper potting mixes for NC growers and create revenue from agricultural products that currently have little value. North Carolina residents with skills, equipment, and available pine tree resources can produce the new materials and sell to growers, mix manufacturers, and others throughout the Southeastern US. Golden LEAF funds will be used for personnel, equipment, and travel.