Building Futures

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Sandhills Community College Foundation, Inc.



Program Area:

Community-Based Grants Initiative

County of Applicant:





This grant will help Sandhills Community College (SCC) develop a pipeline of 130 skilled workers per year for local and regional skilled construction jobs. Golden LEAF funds will be used to build and help equip a 3,600-square-foot multi-disciplinary center with three classrooms, two labs, and an open training space at the Larry Caddell Training Center near Carthage, NC. The facility will house new programs in construction, construction management, and HVAC and plumbing trades. The training center will serve residents from communities in and surrounding northern Moore County and Hoke County by offering short-term workforce training that can lead to jobs paying wages of $17-$25 per hour. Area high school students will participate in the SCC construction trades programs through CTE and dual-enrollment Career & College Promise courses. There are 740 current construction-related job openings in the region and recent surveys of area employers indicate a critical shortage of construction workers. Sandhills Community College has secured approximately $500,000 for the project from the American Red Cross, William and Josephine Weiss Family Foundation, The Palmer Foundation, and SCC workforce development funds. Also, the SCC Foundation has resources for scholarships for 100% of the construction trades students including funds for supplies, instruction, and student support.


Ms. Andi Korte
3395 Airport Road
North Carolina 
(910) 695-3767