Alleghany CREST

Alleghany County Schools
Program Area:
STEM Initiative
County of Applicant:

This grant will assist Alleghany County Schools to develop and implement a comprehensive STEM Education Plan that will initially serve students in grades 4 – 9. The funds will be used to: participate in the LASER K-12 Planning Institute; support professional development activities focused on inquiry, project and problem based instruction; further develop the use of technology as an instructional intervention tool; establish Project Lead the Way at the middle school level; and provide dual credit opportunities with Wilkes Community College that are aligned with area industry’s workforce requirements.

Mrs. Patti E. Cox85 Peachtree StreetSparta, North Carolina 28675(336) 372-4345
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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